1 Year of the Lomi Countertop Composter- Honest Review

1 Year of the Lomi Countertop Composter- Honest Review

1 full year with Lomi
I had Lomi on my Wishlist since I first heard of it. It intrigued me, and being someone who despises smelly garbage- I jumped the second they launched them. I grabbed the starter kit that came with the Lomi, the charcoal filters and some bonus accessories. Full instructions and a Guide come with it too, and there was virtually no setup.
Claims - it claims to reduce household waste, not smell, be able to tackle a variety of wastes quickly and have no mess.
Results - It lives up to expectations. With 3 settings, you can choose if you want to just reduce waste, or even turn your waste into soil! I like that setting because I top up my house plants with it. Each setting has varying times with the soil setting being the longest. I usually turn it on at night and it's done when I wake up in the morning. 
It's about the size of a standard crockpot and it's seemless design fits well on our counter. I just add dinner scrapings, food scraps, rotten food etc to the machine throughout a few days and when it's full I turn it on! 
The charcoal filter is what ensures you have no smell. The charcoal should be changed after several uses, in my case it was about 6 months. I also will wipe the machine down with a microfiber cloth bit that's about it for maintenance. It operates quietly and leaves no mess behind which I love.
Overall it reduced our kitchen waste by about 80%! It's also ended my battle of ripped garbage bags from rodents as now we don't have any smelly garbage.
At a price of about $500 it may seem like a lot at first, but when I thought about how much I spend on garbage bags, extra tags, aggravation from rodent messes etc as well as eliminating odours in our kitchen AND helping the environment- it was well worth it for me to invest. 
I've linked my Lomi here on Amazon.
Please note as an affiliate I receive a small commission that keeps these reviews coming but it does NOT negatively impact your price.
Enjoy your Lomi!
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